74: Sandtray Therapy

In this episode, Jamie shares with us some basic information about Sandtray Therapy.  

She discusses the importance of formalized training and warns against offering sandtray therapy to your clients if you have not received adequate training.

Sandtray is a powerful tool that can open up and heal some painful issues that require specialized training to ensure client emotional safety.  

Jamie Lynn Langley, LCSW, RPT-S has been a practicing child, family and play therapist in Tennessee for almost 30 years. For most of that time she worked in community mental health before going into private practice in late 2016. Jamie is also an adjunct professor for two universities in Tennessee (Middle TN State University and Lipscomb University). She co-founded and serves as the President of the Tennessee branch of the Association for Play Therapy and is a charter member of the Children & Nature Network founded by RIchard Louv. Jamie specializes in working with children and their families who have undergone trauma, loss, divorce, disruption and other adverse conditions and brings in nature as part of healing practice whenever possible. A former Cub Scout leader for 15 years, she especially enjoys her personal and family time in nature, especially at the beach and the breathtaking Smoky Mountains of East Tennessee.

Jamie Lynn Langley, LCSW, RPT-S

Licensed Clinical Social Worker

Registered Play Therapist-Supervisor

President, TN Association for Play Therapy

Adjunct Faculty, MTSU Dept. of Social Work and

Lipscomb University Dept. of Psychology, Counseling and Family Science

Board Member, World Assoc of Sand Therapy Professionals


75: EMDR Therapy with Children


73: Helping Children with Autism and other Social Communication Challenges