26: A Child is Like a Butterfly
Parenting in the Rain, Episode 26
A Child is Like a Butterfly
Are you a parent worried about your child through your divorce? Here’s a link to my s Free Parent Class http://jackieflynnconsulting.com/parentingthroughdivorce
In This Episode:
Just like a butterfly needs the struggle of emerging from the chrysalis to get it’s blood to it’s wings then ultimately fly, so does a child.
Giving children the gift of responsibilities sends them the message “I believe in you!”. “I believe you are capable.” “You can difficult things.” “You are an important member of this family.”
Responsibilities and chores really equip our children with the confidence, grit and work ethic to go out into the world and dare to follow, and work for, dreams.
When kids have responsibilities, it nurtures their sense of self-worth which relates to self-esteem.
Some parents don’t require their kids to do chores for a variety of reasons. They may feel guilty about a touch circumstance such as divorce, health condition, or some other hardship. This is often done with good intention, but it actually limits the child even more.
If you want to set your child up for success, give your child a meaningful chore around the house; ones that they do, just because they are an important member of the family.
It’s important to make the chores meaningful, achievable and worthwhile. Also, be sure to notice that the child did the chore or took care of the responsibility. Be careful to not be overly critical of the child’s work, as that could leave him feeling defeated and undervalued. Create an environment that fosters a love for participation and follow-through.
Resist the urge to pay your child with allowance for all of their chores, not all certainly, but have some chores be just a part of their life duties.
This will help them get the blood to their wings and ultimately fly independently.
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