87. Sound in Sand Therapy with Masha Bennett

Join me in conversation with the amazing Masha Bennett.  She's doing some incredibly creative healing work in the UK with Sand and Sound.  

Masha will present a 3 hour online workshop for the World Association of Sand Therapy Professionals, exploring aspects of Sound in Sand Therapy, including the symbolism of sound and its potential applications as a healing agent in the sandtray. This is an experiential workshop and you will be invited to create your own sandtray, explore its sounds (as well as its silence), and there will be an opportunity to create your own simple healing song. Masha's website is www.sandsoundcentre.co.uk and the link for bookings is https://www.eventbrite.com/e/sounds-of-sand-therapy-tickets-361188884677 




88. Supporting Parents in Play Therapy with Dr. Becki Welsh


86. What is case conceptualization and WHY is it important?